Product Availability

Product Availability API provides the date when a required quantity of product can be delivered to the defined address (ShipTo).

Consequently, when using the service with your business process, you must inquire a SE Product Reference, a quantity of this product you want Schneider Electric to deliver, and the delivery address ID : ShipTo.


The updated version has been enhanced with “Product Under Shortage” feature: now, if the product is considered under shortage, you may consult with the “current lead time” value. Basically, this value will tell you how long (in working days) will it take to deliver the product to you. This value will also be returned for the products which are not under shortage, but its most value is to give a general terms understanding for the products currently under shortage.

Technically, two fields have been added to the API response: "shortage" (boolean) and "currLeadTime" (numeric). If you are using the Product Availability v. 1, the newer version should be compatible

API Access will require oAuth authentication, please refer to the details on portal.


Country Availability Assessment - Catalog of countries where we have conducted performance, availability, and response time testing for this API:

  • Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Vietnam. 

If your country is not included in the list, please feel free to reach out to us directly or contact your designated Schneider Point of Contact (POC) to inquire about the API's accessibility in your country. 


Get Product Availability




product-referencestringYYLXM28AU01M3XProduct Reference for which availability is requested



quantitynumberY20Quantity of Product for which availability is requested.
ship-tostringN1000033834This parameter is not mandatory, restricted to some countries. It represents the Ship to Address. The list of valid codes will be provided by your Schneider Electric contact.
purchaser-idstringN1000053298This parameter is not mandatory and is only needed if you have multiple different Account ID as indicated by your Schneider Electric contact. Otherwise, please ignore this parameter.
countrystringNFRThis parameter is not mandatory and is only required if your account spans over multiple countries. The expected value is an ISO country two letters' code.

Note: if there is a forward slash and backward slash in product reference, it should be replaced with SUBSTITUTE_FORWARD_SLASH and SUBSTITUTE_BACKWARD_SLASH respectively from consumer to use this API. E.g. if we need to pass “263/25-GY” in the request parameter, it should be passed like “263SUBSTITUTE_FORWARD_SLASH25-GY”

Product Availability